
Optima Provides true finance-specializex traslation services for asset management companies.

Foreign investors create huge challenges for client reporting, especially when there is a language barrier. Most translators lack domain knowledge about the specialized fields underlying particular asset classes. As a result, they spend significant amounts of time on look-up, slowing their turnaround - and clients have to invest too much time on proofreading, when they have more important things to do. Unfamiliarity with industry terms and customs leads to legal documents that are difficult to read, but - and in the worst cases can create risk from the perspective of investor protection.

Optima’s approach as a financial translation services company goes beyond merely comprehending differences in communication methods and cultural backgrounds. We provide prompt and accurate specialized translation of documents based on accumulated skills unavailable at standard translation agencies. Our staff have years of experience in translation for asset management companies and funds, in a wide variety of asset classes. Our management team also has long familiarity with the relevant Japanese investor protection laws, and is sensitive to how these may differ from the regulations in other source or target jurisdictions. Our expertise allows us to focus on providing rapid delivery of translated documents in perfectly written Japanese.

Optima is a forerunner in this service field, designed for companies like yours. Allow us to support your company’s growth.

Translation categories

  • Statutory / continuous disclosure documents for mutual funds:
    Weekly report / Monthly report / Investment report / Prospectus, etc.
  • Documents for investment advisory business:
    Quarterly report / Presentation for roadshows / RFP / PPM / SRS / IMA / DDQ, etc.
  • Others
    IR related material, legal documents